Too Exciting for Dogs… Megan Rix / Ruth Symes

UKMGX October Poster FINALWoohoo! Only 7 days to go till the UKMG Extravaganza at Nottingham Central Library from 1-4. I am so looking forward to it – especially as I’m going as both of myselves – Ruth Symes with my Secret Animal Society and Bella Donna books; and Megan Rix with my award winning dog hero books. Before the big day, on Wednesday, I’ll be running a workshop at Nottingham Central Library for Mellers Primary School   – yay Mellers!

And tomorrow I’m blogging for UKMG about writing animal stories over at

Bella’s been bu642A2606sy vsiting schools with me recently but she won’t be at next Saturday’s UKMG because it’s too exciting for dogs.

Are you going to be at the UKMG Extravaganza? If you are I’d love to say hello.


Snowball cover


And don’t forget to enter the competition to win a copy of ‘Snowball’ before 7pm tomorrow.